This module completes the capability of MODRET to generate runoff hydrographs, calculate infiltration losses and then route the runoff through the pond using actual stage-storage data of the pond.
The routing module allows determination of maximum (peak) discharge rate for the storm event and the maximum stage (water elevation) for the pond. The user specifies the stage-storage data for the pond, and the model utilizes the small time increments of the runoff hydrograph to calculate the incremental discharge and water elevation.
In addition, the module produces electronic files (hydrographs) and graphical summaries for total runoff, runoff-infiltration, cumulative infiltration, cumulative discharge volume, instantaneous discharge rate and water elevation. The discharge hydrographs is saved in the same format as the runoff hydrograph and can be used as input in a downstream pond.
What's New in MODRET 6.13 ROUTING?