This module is the main part of MODRET, which includes calculation of infiltration losses from the pond with specified overflow structures and orifices. The data entry in this version has been significantly changed from the previous version, where the initial data set is the stage-area table. The stage-area data can be entered manually or copied from “clipboard”.
The pond and aquifer input data lines now have a graphical representation for each field being entered to allow the user better understand each parameter.
At the top of the screen a new option “zero infiltration solution?” allows running the model and routing the runoff through the pond where infiltration losses are excluded. This option allows the user to assess the effects and the magnitude of the infiltration losses by comparing results with and without infiltration.
The pond volume and average area of the pond is now calculated by the model, using the remaining parameters entered by the user.
Once the user enters the pond, aquifer and overflow characteristics, the model calculates unsaturated infiltration, sets up MODFLOW data files, executes the MODFLOW program for saturated infiltration, reads the results, and calculates and displays the results. The MODFLOW model was specifically modified for use with the MODRET model, which incorporates modeling of weir and orifice overflow or overflow based on manually specified elevation vs discharge relationship (rating curve).
The routing in this version has been integrated into the Infiltration Module where every infiltration model run is automatically routed using the specified stage-storage data of the pond. This module generates a CSV file (hydrograph) of instantaneous discharge rate.