This module is the main part of MODRET, which includes a pre-processor and a post-processor procedures to enter the pond, weir and aquifer characteristics, to calculate unsaturated infiltration, to setup MODFLOW data files, to execute the MODFLOW program for saturated infiltration, read the results, and calculate and display the results.
The runoff data can be entered by simply specifying a file name of the corresponding runoff hydrograph, by entering total runoff volume and recovery time, or by entering the runoff manually, one time increment at a time. After calculation of infiltration losses, the runoff hydrograph can be routed through infiltration and a new "Runoff-Infiltration" hydrograph can be generated, which can then be reused in other surface runoff routing models. This option is useful when modeling complicated and/or interconnected ponds.
The runoff hydrographs can be generated for each pond, individual infiltration analysis can be performed for each pond and “Runoff-Infiltration” hydrographs can then be exported for continuation of modeling of the ponds. The MODFLOW model was specifically modified for use with the MODRET model, which incorporates modeling of weir and orifice overflow or overflow based on manually specified elevation vs discharge relationship (rating curve). The presentation of the output data can be in a tabular and/or graphical format, and it is presented in a report quality output.